Planned Giving

You can provide a lasting legacy to Fulfill.

Help Fulfill ensure that hunger won’t win here in our communities for decades to come.

You can provide a lasting legacy to Fulfill.

Help Fulfill ensure that hunger won’t win here in our communities for decades to come.

Planned Giving is an effective and mutually beneficial way of giving to Fulfill. By including Fulfill in your planned giving, you support our mission to alleviate hunger while enjoying the benefits of capital gains tax savings, increased income, and income tax savings. Most importantly, a planned gift maximizes your giving potential while ensuring your future financial security and that of your loved ones.

We welcome gifts through will bequests or pension funds, as well as paid-up life insurance, gifts through an IRA, or 401(k). Anyone who notifies Fulfill of a planned gift becomes a member of the Legacy of Hope Society and will be recognized accordingly in all listings.


The Legacy of Hope Society

The Legacy of Hope Society recognizes donors who made provisions to support Fulfill in their estate plans. To join this very special group, you just need to include Fulfill in your estate plans and notify us.

How you can Continue the Hope

• Add a codicil to your will, naming Fulfill as a recipient of a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your net estate after all taxes and expenses are paid.

• Name Fulfill as either the full beneficiary or co-beneficiary of a current retirement policy or life insurance policy that you may own personally or a policy that you receive through your employer.

• Name Fulfill as a co-beneficiary in a pension plan you have at work. You simply call your life insurance agent or your employer’s Human Resource Department to make these changes.

To learn more and to let us know about your intentions contact Major Gifts Officer, Allie Bianco,
